One Thing

January 17th is National Quitters day, and it is the day most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions.

Better Than Self Esteem

BETTER THAN SELF ESTEEM I’m going to introduce to you a fundamentally different concept with a slightly different name.  That concept was self-esteem. The concept I want you to get is self-efficacy. While it sounds the same, it is quite different than self-esteem. Self-efficacy is looking for evidence in your past. It’s asking yourself, “What have I done in […]

Self Esteem is Bankrupt

Who feels good about themselves? I’m going to get on my soapbox here. My profession talks a lot about self-esteem. You’ve heard it. “You know you need to feel good about yourself. You’re good enough. You’re smart enough and doggone it, people like you enough to vote you as the Senator for Minnesota.” We think […]

Ruining Your Kids

More adversity please Adversity is the necessary ingredient for resilience. The Great Depression led immediately to the Greatest Generation. We often hear talk about the World War II generation as being the Greatest Generation in our history. Part of that formative experience was going through the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a necessary ingredient […]

Which Quiz
would you like to take?