Man’s Search for Meaning

ADVERSITY IS NECESSARY FOR GREATNESS What’s one of the greatest books written in the twentieth century? It’s “Man’s Search for Meaning“, by Viktor Frankl. I strongly recommend it. Viktor Frankl was an Austrian Jew, captured and put in Auschwitz and Dachau slave labor camps. It is his story of survival of the prison camps and […]

Tied up in the Woods

Do you know what SERE training is? The acronym SERE stands for: Survival/Evasion/Resistance/Escape – it is the closest thing to torture we do to our citizens. The Air Force, the Navy, and the Army all put their pilots through this training. I hated it, but I’m glad I did it. In SERE training, they set […]

Ruining Your Kids

More adversity please Adversity is the necessary ingredient for resilience. The Great Depression led immediately to the Greatest Generation. We often hear talk about the World War II generation as being the Greatest Generation in our history. Part of that formative experience was going through the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a necessary ingredient […]

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